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Россия, г. Краснодар,
ул. Чапаева 94, оф.24


Only objective statistic information gives your team an opportunity to achieve top results.

Football Analysis and Research Laboratory provides complete service in scientific data collection, professional analysis and consulting.

Your task is to choose the right partner.

Our mission is to help you win.

We strive for innovative solutions that break traditional notions and solve real problems for real people.

We specialize in game modelling based on professional match analysis. We also index and analyze players' performance and make team and players detailed data base.

We have two main programs of analysis «Game modelling» and «Efficiency card». We suggest complete service for football clubs, coaches and players.

Football clubs

Want to develop an individual style of your team to be unpredictable for the opponents? Our programs will drive your team performance to a higher level and give the key how to outplay them. The players will become motivated students of the game with championship aspirations. Effective playing will raise the status of your club!


Detailed analysis and game modelling will give your team an opportunity to win. Studying your own team or scouting opponents, your players will finally see the game through your eyes and the results will speak for themselves. All you have to do is to give a videotape of a single match.


We bring you face-to-face with your own strengths and weaknesses, and you will become highly motivated to enhance your skills. Studying every player's detailed data (from player touch and possession to team passing channels and trends) you will know your opponents better than they know themselves. «Efficiency card» is your personal program of developing. All you have to do is to follow our recommendations step by step!

We don't suggest useless things, we give you the key to solve the problems!

Our programs:

«Game modelling»

«Efficiency card»